What began in 1937 as an organization to battle poultry diseases in a fledgling industry is now the state’s largest agri-business industry with more than $23.5 billion dollars of annual economic impact. Throughout that time, the Mississippi Poultry Association has provided an umbrella of organizational support for the producers, growers, and allied entities that constitute the poultry industry in the state.
Allied Membership dues are $450 annually. Unless otherwise indicated on the membership form, $30 from a member’s annual dues are directed into the Mississippi Poultry Association Political Action Committee.

There are many benefits to being a member of the Mississippi Poultry Association, including:
The MPA newsletter, Emerging Trends, is printed quarterly. It contains educational and informative articles on poultry industry related issues that concentrate on how to save the producer money, comply with laws and regulations, and promotional activities of the industry, as well as an “Upcoming Events” section listing association activities.
Federal and State Governmental Relations
The MPA represents the industry at all levels of government, including state and federal governmental relations activities. The MPA-PAC (Political Action Committee) provides support to those who champion the pro-business stance of the Mississippi poultry industry. The Association is also active in working with state and federal agencies that interact with the poultry industry on issues ranging from economic development to environmental.
Grower Advisory Committee
This MPA committee serves as a sounding board for grower issues and challenges from within the industry. Three Grower Advisory Committee members and the Grower Committee Chairman serve on the MPA’s board. The committee meets quarterly to discuss any of these issues or others that may arise and to receive feedback from anyone in the poultry industry.
The Mississippi Poultry Foundation awards four $4,000 scholarships each year to a child or grandchild of an Association member and/or to students majoring in Poultry Science. The Foundation awards a College of Veterinary Medicine Travel Grant and has created an endowment at Mississippi State University that awards an annual scholarship.
The Foundation also receives donations from several of its member companies that are awarded as scholarships. These include the: First Financial Bank Scholarship, International Paper Research Grant, Bank Plus Travel Grant, Southern Ag Credit Travel Grant, and the First South Farm Credit Scholarship.
The MPA works hard to promote the state’s number one agricultural commodity, poultry. We use facts and figures to demonstrate the industry’s importance to the state’s economy. We also work with other like-minded interest groups and events to help promote and protect the industry.
Allied Members consist of individuals, firms, partnerships, and corporations that provide goods and services to growers or processors. Our Allied Members provide expertise and sponsor educational seminars. They have always been an important part of the MPA’s success in building a stronger poultry industry.
There are many benefits to becoming an allied member of the MPA. Select the link below to complete an MPA Allied Members Dues Form.
Growers who have contracts with poultry companies that are members of the Association are eligible to join the MPA.
For more than 40 years, the Mississippi Poultry Association Political Action Committee has supported pro-business legislative candidates who understand the importance of the poultry industry to the state’s economy, and for 25 years, the MPA-PAC has supported fair and balanced judicial candidates.
The MPA-PAC is funded with voluntary donations from MPA members and a $30 designation from Allied Membership annual dues. The MPA-PAC Board of Directors reviews candidates and makes decisions on which ones to support.
Learn More About Our Industry

110 Airport Road
Suite C
Pearl, MS 39208
Phone: 601-932-7560